Thursday, March 7, 2013

Level III goes on and on and on.....

Still at it!  Level III continues to occupy my brain, my hands, and nearly every waking moment.  I often can't sleep for thinking about it, and am up for two or three hours during the night to knit, eat, write, or otherwise try to calm myself enough to get back to sleep.  I do have the sweater and hat finished now, and photographed.  Dear husband does the photography which I greatly appreciate, and I figured out how to get Shutterfly prints made.  Learned something new there!

I have one swatch left to do, the dreaded entrelac.  I finished the Bavarian traveling stitch swatch, and for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone in their right mind would actually want to do either entrelac or Bavarian traveling stitch.  I am loving the research for the fiber report however.  That is such fascinating stuff, and stuff I wish I had known 25 years ago.  It would have saved me some serious mistakes in matching yarn to patterns.

This is such a learning process.  Stressful, yes, but valuable learning.  Still hoping for submission by the end of this month.  Then I can relax and forget it for a few months until I get it all back and have to tackle the inevitable "redos".

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Life and Level III

January 23, 2013

Every time I check my daughter's blog and find nothing new, I'm a bit disappointed since it's one of the few ways we have of keeping in touch between infrequent visits.  She hasn't written anything new for several months now, then I realized I haven't written for even longer!  So here goes.

I continue to work on Level III of the Master Knitter Program.  I feel like I will be continuing to work on Level III of the Master Knitter Program for the rest of my life.  I so wanted to get it finished and submitted by the end of January, but when I found a mistake mid-December which required frogging 11 1/2 inches of the sweater sleeve, I realized it just wasn't going to happen.  I put the whole thing aside for a couple weeks while I did Christmas stuff, then went back, frogged and finished that sleeve.  Have one more to go, a buttonhole band, and then sew it all up and do the neck ribbing, put buttons on it, block and it will be finished.  Then there is the matter of the hat.  I had started the corrugated ribbing for that but ripped it all out this morning, after deciding I didn't like the color combination.  I have most of the swatches finished, but haven't started any of the reviews or reports.  Oh, will I ever get this finished?

We just returned last nite from a 12 day road trip to Houston, TX, driving about 2500 miles in all.  Have decided that's the last time I want to do that.  Meals were very haphazard, and not very healthy, and I began having symptoms of something, maybe low blood sugar.  Anyway, I was very weepy on several occasions, nearly passed out once, and felt really crabby a lot of the time.  I've thought that in a relationship the happiness of one depends on the happiness of the other, but maybe not!  This was a trip Clint really wanted to take, now, to see his son and family.  I didn't want to go now, since my first great grandbaby was going to be born while we were gone, and I wanted to finish Level III before we went south.  I opted for his "happiness," but forfeited my own.  And my being so crabby didn't do much for his happiness.

Anyway, we are home now, the baby is here and beautiful and we will go see him today or tomorrow.
I'm still tired though. And a bit crabby. although trying to not let it show.

Maybe Level III will be ready to submit by the end of March.  I surely hope so for I'm leaving for a couple days in NYC mid-April, with three other women.  Flying. Staying in a nice hotel. Eating when and what I need. Sleeping in a good bed. And although NY traffic is about as nerve racking as Houston's, we won't be in it for hours on end.

So life's looking up.